>n %>()," ") ngaygui=chuanngay(today(0)) homnay = ngaygui & " " & today(1) & " " & today(2) End Function Function checkNotice(username) dim rsF,dangnhaplancuoi,tinnhan, thongbao thongbao = "" dangnhaplancuoi = GetValue("tblThanhVien","dangnhaplancuoi","tendangnhap='"&username&"'") tinnhan = count_max("tblTinNhan","id","(nguoinhan='"&username&"' or nguoinhan='"&all&"') and ngaygui>#"&dangnhaplancuoi&"#") if tinnhan>0 then thongbao = thongbao & "Co " &tinnhan& " tin nhan moi tu Admin Shop\r\n" session("tinnhan")=tinnhan end if checkNotice = thongbao End Function Function FormatDescription(txtDescription) dim txtDes,pos txtDes = txtDescription if txtDes<>"" then txtDes=replace(txtDes,vbCrLf,"") txtDes=replace(txtDes,"""","") txtDes=replace(txtDes," "," ") txtDes=replace(txtDes," "," ") if len(txtDes)>250 then pos = InStr(250,txtDes," ") if pos>=250 then txtDes = left(txtDes,pos-1) end if end if FormatDescription = txtDes End Function %>uoi","tendangnhap='"&username&"'") tinnhan = count_max("tblTinNhan","id","(nguoinhan='"&username&"' or nguoinhan='"&all&"') and ngaygui>#"&dangnhaplancuoi&"#") if tinnhan>0 then thongbao = thongbao & "Co " &tinnhan& " tin nhan moi tu Admin Shop\r\n" session("tinnhan")=tinnhan end if checkNotice = thongbao End Function Function FormatDescription(txtDescription) dim txtDes,pos txtDes = txtDescription if txtDes<>"" then txtDes=replace(txtDes,vbCrLf,"") txtDes=replace(txtDes,"""","") txtDes=replace(txtDes," "," ") txtDes=replace(txtDes," "," ") if len(txtDes)>250 then pos = InStr(250,txtDes," ") if pos>=250 then txtDes = left(txtDes,pos-1) end if end if FormatDescription = txtDes End Function %> Video clip của Showroom Ổ tô Mitsubishi Hải Phòng
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